International Dessert Booth

Though not a country, we can’t forget to add the “sweetest” food team of all…the Ladies Guild that sponsor the International Desserts Booth! These women will once again be busy in the kitchen making lots of cookies to share with our festival attendees–a perfect way to end your culinary trip around the world!

This year, Shirley Boivin will lead the team. She and her husband Joe moved to Clayton 12 years ago and are very involved in St. Ann parish activities. Shirley has helped in one way or another each festival– there’s no getting around that when your husband is the chairperson of the event! Joe came up with the idea of holding an International Food Festival here at the church and the rest is history!

Shirley tells us she has 6 international cookies on the menu this year, including Old German Honey Cookies, Polish Kolacky, Madelines, Italian Anisette, Austrian Pastry, and Puerto Rican flan. Need we say more? Save room for dessert!
